3-Day Movement Masterclass

23 Dec 3-Day Movement Masterclass

I knew it would be hard not to love my first in-person training since Sydney’s latest lockdown lifted. I had already experienced the incredible benefits of learning from Gina in person, both as a yoga student and as a teacher trainee!

Her ability to break down complicated, intimidating concepts (like teaching your first yoga class, or the intricate anatomy of the pelvis for example) into something students can truly absorb, and with such clarity and joy, makes these in-person trainings so enjoyable!

This particular training was on movement principles relating to the pelvis and lower back. The 3-day Movement Masterclass in November has allowed me to apply new alignment cues in my own body, and in my teaching. Every yoga class feels new again.

A deeper understanding of the subtle movements of the pelvis is helping me to appreciate just how much this area of our body is impacted by every physical posture we move into. Through understanding its intricacies, rather than being afraid to explore deeper poses for fear of injury, it is making advanced poses feel accessible more than ever before. I have learned how to safely explore a deeper twist, how to work even harder in Warrior 3 (how is that possible!?), and how to take care of my lower back in a variety of poses that most of us move through every class! More importantly, this training has taught me how to approach movements of the pelvis with more attention and care, and to ensure yoga remains a therapeutic practice first and foremost.

Gina’s Movement Masterclass was inarguably a valuable next step in my journey as a teacher. It was the perfect training to dive into after letting the Power Living 200HR yoga teacher training content settle. As I’ve started teaching, I’ve realised that the first 200 hours really is only the beginning. This Movement Masterclass left me feeling so excited to keep learning. Discovering new ways to keep evolving my own practice and allowing that to trickle into my teaching.

In addition, this training was hugely impactful for my longevity as a yoga student. My biggest takeaway was, we don’t need the tricky poses to keep deepening our practice. Our understanding of movement, and of our own bodies, is ever-increasing and ever-evolving, which means that we can continue to explore intricacies in our yoga practices forever. No matter what the shape looks like, if we learn to move safely, yoga can continue to be a therapeutic practice of self-expression, self-awareness, and healing.

As always after finishing a training with Gina, I feel even more in love with yoga. The more yoga teacher training I say yes to, the easier it becomes to make it to my mat every day. I remember when I used to write down goals or New Years resolutions and each year, “Practice yoga 4 x per week” was rarely ever achieved. Now my commitment to yoga is inspired by how much I am learning, and the more I learn from Gina, the more dedicated I feel to this life-long journey as a yoga student.

Written by Katie Tetz
Studio Business Manager | Ever Inspiring Writer & Yoga Teacher for Power Living Australia

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