Finding Balance with Online Yoga Teacher Training

02 Jul Finding Balance with Online Yoga Teacher Training

It’s been just over a year since I spontaneously signed up for my 200HR Online Yoga Teacher Training with Power Living in 2020. Ironically, while writing this, Sydney and much of Australia has hit pause with another lockdown forcing us to sit still, similar to how it felt back then. 


Investing in teacher training was arguably not the most sensible thing for me to do. I was not working and had no indication of when that circumstance would change, and any savings I had were quickly dwindling away. Furthermore, I didn’t even want to become a yoga teacher! 


But, when Power Living’s 200HR Online Yoga Teacher Training popped up in my feed, I felt utterly drawn to it. My brain might have not been on board but my heart was thumping in the best kind of way. I quickly became conscious of how much I loved yoga and how it would be the ideal practice to ground into during that time of unpredictability. 


I am reading the Radiance Sutra’s by Lorin Roche at the moment, and it describes those aha moments, often experienced in meditation, as an electric transmission or realisation. “Often, you are reminded of something you already know and love. You recognise a truth, and your life-force is awakened.” Pg 177. 


As a Power Living student, I already knew how much their classes had elevated my yoga practice and mental health so, trusting that good feeling, I hit enroll. 


Studying online, especially for a practice that requires so much embodiment, may not appeal to everyone, but I am grateful for the flexibility it gave me. I was able to spend additional time on online lectures that were more difficult for me to digest, and revisit the ones that I enjoyed the most. It gave me the time to fully sit with ideas that otherwise may have gotten lost if I had just heard them once in a traditional seminar. I don’t want to admit how many times I had to hit pause & rewind on the anatomy lessons. So. Many. Muscles!


The physical benefits are undeniable. I learned how to get into a shoulder stand safely, triangle is so much harder now that I’m doing it correctly, and I can get a little airtime in inversions. Poses I have done for a decade feel completely new again. This virtual training was able to give me the tools to physically elevate my yoga practice in very tangible ways. 


I think it’s safe to say, most 200HR graduates discover there is so much more to uncover about this 5000-year tradition than they previously realised. The more you study, the more depth and beauty you discover.


Through the beautifully coordinated lectures, zoom sessions, and the hours spent dedicated to learning about this amazing tradition, I found more freedom. And to feel freedom during a time when the world was quite literally trapped in place, that was yoga working its magic. 


About halfway through the online training, I had another aha moment: Without knowing exactly what it would look like, I felt a beam of clarity – “I want to work in this industry.” Through a happy array of serendipitous events, I ended up working for Power Living! I am now the Bondi Studio Manager. I spend my days in a studio, gushing to students about yoga. And who knows – maybe I’ll end up becoming a yoga teacher after all.


One year later, when I reflect on it all, I am so grateful that I listened to that spontaneous aha moment, that electric transmission of yes – this! 


As Troy quotes in one of the yoga philosophy lectures “A person often meets his destiny on the path he took to avoid it.” Jean de La Fontaine


Learn more about Online Teacher Training.

Written by Katie Tetz
Studio Business Manager | Ever Inspiring Writer & Yoga Teacher for Power Living Australia

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