Annie Carpenter
SmartFlow Principles

Returning to Australia this October

Annie Carpenter

With over 40 years of yoga teaching experience, Annie offers a wealth of knowledge from exploring Integral, Iyengar, and Ashtanga Yoga. Through SmartFlow Yoga, you’ll discover your true self, cultivating compassion, peace, and appreciation for life’s wonders. Benefit from Annie’s wisdom and evolve on your unique journey of practice and self-discovery.

Viveka: Transformational Journey through the Chakras

 at Manly Studio with Annie Carpenter

In this transformational training, we will move through the chakras, day by day, penetrating through our layers via the lens of each energetic wheel.

Viveka is a beautiful Sanskrit word that translates as discernment. As we mature in Yoga, our ability to discern what and how we practice evolves: our daily practice moves from outwardly focused to the inner. We learn to include all the layers of our beings: physical and mental, breath and subtle energy, psychological and spiritual. Our practice guides us to discern who we are, what we are meant to be doing, and how to walk with kindness through our days.

This 50-hour Advanced Level Training intentionally integrates Subtle practices into Advanced Asana by structuring each training day around a Chakra. As such, we will weave multiple layers –all 5 koshas — into our awareness, setting the stage for personal transformation.

Through these practices, we begin to discern the increasingly subtle effects each of the practices offer, and over time we determine that which furthers and maintains us – and our students – on our spiritual paths.

Daily practice that weaves together:

  • Asana (10:30 am – 12:30 pm Daily)
  • Pranayama
  • Subtle energy
  • Tools for mental focusing
  • Emotional and Spiritual practices
  • In-depth study of each of the Chakras
  • Historical and Philosophical underpinnings
  • Tools for sequencing and infusing your practice with subtlety and transformation
  • Contra-indications: These are powerful practices, you will learn essential markers that indicate one is ready to continue, or should pause at one’s current stage.


Journey through the

Lower Chakras


  • October 25-27
  • Explore Lower 3 Chakras
  • x3 two-hour yoga sessions with Annie
  • 20 hours of RYT or SmartFlow Principles Training
  • 9:30am – 5:30pm daily
  • $899 (payment plans available)


Journey through

All the Chakras


  • October 25-27 – Lower 3 Chakras
  • October 31 – November 3 – Top 4 Chakras
  • x7 two-hour yoga sessions with Annie
  • 50 hours of RYT or SmartFlow Principles Training
  • 9:30am – 5:30pm daily
  • $1,499 Early Bird Price (payment plans available)

Ready to Know More?

Enter your details below and one of our awesome Programs team will be in touch to chat to you about our Teacher Training:

SamKrama: The Art of Sequencing

Sam” means to balance; “Krama” means to place in a purposeful way.

Next Course TBC

The sequencing of Yoga Asana is both a science and an art, a practical design and a living metaphor.  At its heart is the creation of a safe, meaningful and transformative experience.

Join Annie for a powerful— and meaningful— week of deep, intentional practice and an insightful journey into building sequences for yourself and all your students.


  • Strong, themed morning practices
  • Analysis of each day’s sequence
  • Building a balanced arc for the body, mind and nervous system
  • Intentional activating and warming with cooling, releasing and re-centering
  • Sequencing for all levels, populations and lengths of classes

This Advanced Module will give you 30 hours towards your SmartFlow or Power Living 500hr RYT Pathway.

By registering for Samkrama you will be receiving 30 hours of instruction from Annie Carpenter herself. A world-renown instructor and is affectionately known as the, “Teachers’ Teacher”. Her SmartFlow yoga program is leading the way in yoga teaching methodology, sequencing and movement principles. This course will count 30 hours towards your RYT 500.

Active Restoratives

Neutral Bay Studio


Next Course TBC


Active Restoratives are Asana that utilize props, including blocks, blankets, walls and chairs. All these props help us to remain in poses to evolve clarity, refine our true alignment and build strength.

While it is true that Yoga chairs can be helpful for creating a gentle practice when one needs that, this workshop will guide you to use chairs to leverage more space inside and to be able hold longer and sustain active actions inside of your poses. It is Restorative work: You will hold the poses longer. It is Active work: You will build balanced strength.

Expect all types of poses in this workshop: twists and backbends, forward bends and inversions. It’ll be good, hard fun!

Please Note: Students attending this workshop will be required to bring a ‘yoga chair’ (metal folding chair without a back rest).

Power and Peace:

The Remarkable Psoas System

Next Course TBC

The Psoas system is an ancient, minimally evolved muscle group that affects us in so many ways: Connecting the upper body to our legs, enabling walking, running and climbing, connecting the muscular-skeletal body to the sympathetic nervous system, and providing us with true core stability and strength. Sadly, for many of us, imbalances, chronic contractions, and pain originate and linger in this system.

Join Annie to learn about and connect to your Psoas system. Discover ways to release and stretch—and when to do which; as well as stabilize and strengthen—and when to do which. We’ll look at problems that imbalances can create and how to soothe this deep muscle group to shift into a calmer state in your nervous system.

Annie Carpenter Bio

Annie Carpenter Bio


Annie has been practicing Yoga for over 40 years. It continues to be a source of steadiness, depth and joy in her life. Annie taught movement and dance, anatomy, and lead movement rituals for many years; she’s been teaching Yoga for almost 30 years.

Having spent long periods practicing and studying Integral, Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga, Annie believes that there are many wonderful approaches to practice—we all will find just what we need as our lives and bodies evolve. The commitment TO practice is the essence; WHAT we practice will expand and mature.

Annie created her school, SmartFlow Yoga, 13 years ago. It is a modern approach with an anatomically sound foundation, inspired creative sequencing and ground in the essence of Yogic and Buddhist philosophies. Annie is committed to mindfulness, which inevitably leads to spiritual development and light-heartedness. SmartFlow Yoga guides you to know your true Self. With the knowledge of the true Self comes compassion, peace and appreciation for all life.

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