06 Sep Five Favourite Yoga Books

Inspiration and insight can come from many different places – our friends, teachers, life experiences and words of wisdom.
Here at Power Living, we turn to books to keep igniting our souls. To celebrate International Read A Book Day, the Power Living crew are sharing some of their favourite books!
Emee Dillon: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
One of the most touching reads for me. The incredible power of human connection, and how it can sustain itself through the most tumultuous and testing of times. How love can be the thread that inspires us to gives our lives to another, and potentially give our life up for another. Get the tissues ready!
Jordan Berger: Yoga Sutra by Swami S. Satchidananda (English translation)
This book completely opened my eyes to simple ways that the philosophy of yoga can be applied to modern life. Although the philosophy is thousands of years old, this book takes huge concepts and through each SUTRA breaks it down into tiny, easy to digest chunks…in ENGLISH!!!
Adam Whiting: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
This book is a deep lesson on not taking life for granted and for using every breath that we have in a productive and mindful manner.
Jasmine Bashford: Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hahn
This book teaches you how to find joy in almost any situation – even traffic jams and washing up! It started to make me see how every moment of life is a chance to find peace and happiness if we just view things from a shifted perspective.
Hannah Chapman: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman (no relation!)
This book really helps you understand how different people give and receive love. If your love language is different to your partners, you may sometimes wonder if they love you as much as you love them. This book helps you to understand that they may just be showing love in a different way! Once you work out what your love languages are, it opens up the channels for better communication and means you can serve your partners needs in a better way and ultimately, a happier relationship.