benefits of yoga Tag

Living the Yoga Sutras: Practical Applications Understanding Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras What Are the Yoga Sutras? The yoga sutras of Patanjali are a group of 196 short verses or sutras, that can guide you to attain wisdom and self-realisation. They are thought to have...

Even in the best of times, our modern lifestyles are very Yang! We lack daily practices that slow us down and help us find stillness. Yin as a yoga style can offer us an antidote, helping to bring everything back...

Hey, dudes - this is one for you! Hands up if you are still sticking to the sidelines when it comes to yoga? You're considering giving it a go but still need more convincing other than your yogi partner trying...

Humans are the only mammals that purposely delay going to sleep. Still, for some people, their lack of quality or quantity sleep isn’t on purpose, but actually the result of high stress levels. Lack of sleep, in turn, can contribute to higher...

Smashing down a stereotype is something we all like and strive to do to create change. Whether the sterotype be: vegans can't be professional athletes or blonde people are unintelligent, taking away a stigma allows a bigger picture to be seen. Someone...

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