Name: Krista Orbe
Role: Neutral Bay Studio Manager
In 2005, a friend of mine took me to a yoga studio on New York’s Lower East Side that was a total sweatbox. It was a donation-based centre and the place was packed with only a pinkie’s width between each mat. The teachers were fully engaged with us, and gave phenomenal cues and philosophy – I was hooked. I used to dance (hip-hop, contemporary and African dance) and was looking for a physical activity that would be a good continuation. Yoga felt like the best thing. What I hadn’t realised was how much the practice would start to shape my entire world and how I showed up in relationships.
Getting to know the Crew:
How do you define a life well lived?
One that’s full of expansion in love, in wonder, in good health and in fun! I feel that a life well lived is also a constant, steady quest to learn, to heal, and to understand others’ stories in a profound way so that our connections are powerful.
Find classes with Krista in-studio or on the Livestream timetable