The Benefits of Daily Yoga & Meditation

31 Jan The Benefits of Daily Yoga & Meditation

Elevate is starting soon! This 30-Day Yoga & Meditation Immersion will have you floating into 2022 with new positive daily rituals and a community of like-minded yogis.

Running across all 3 Sydney studios, Elevate is divided into 4 weeks and includes 30 days of yoga, daily meditation, and reflective journaling. Practice yoga either at your local studio, Livestream, or Yogaholics. Daily meditations can be either guided or practiced on your own. (Each week you will learn a new meditation technique!) You’ll complete your daily Elevate rituals with guided self-enquiry in the form of journaling. You will be given simple writing prompts to assist you should you need them.

Here’s why this 30-Day Yoga & Meditation immersion will be the best gift you give to yourself this February:

Learn how to meditate!

Learn a new meditation each week, in an approachable, simple, sustainable way! You’ll learn what meditation is not, and have tangible practices to utilise throughout your daily life. All it takes is 5-10 minutes of simple, non-judgemental, present-moment awareness.

In learning to pay closer attention to our bodies and breath, we can be fully in the present moment. Allowing ourselves to find stillness and simply be without rushing to our to-do lists, or feeling like we have to have it all figured out. It is a tactic of slowing everything down and calming our nervous system. The benefits of meditation include a reduction in stress levels, better sleep, increased focus, and reduced blood pressure.

The practices of both yoga and meditation evoke the relaxation response which is the counterpart of the stress response. These practices help us access the part of ourselves that is steady, calm, and can move through life with more ease.

Experience how amazing daily yoga feels!

30 days of yoga will improve physical strength, flexibility, mobility, and you might find yourself feeling and looking leaner! You’re torching calories every time you hit up a Vinyasa class. Yoga is a phenomenal way to put you in touch with your body and improve overall fitness, and regular practice assists with weight management. Movement is medicine and amongst yoga’s many health benefits it can outperform aerobic exercise at improving balance, flexibility, strength, sleep and daily energy levels.

Discover your Power Living community.

After running these 30-day programs for so many years, one thing we know for sure is that in these 30-day immersions new connections and community are discovered! With 4 in-person meetings throughout the program, you’ll have a chance to practice meditation together, share with the group what you’re discovering, and help each other stay committed!

Join us in committing to rituals and practices that make us feel better, calmer, brighter, and more at peace. Consistency builds ritual, which is why committing to 30 days of these daily practices is so impactful! We hope you’ll come away from this immersion feeling competent to practice meditation on your own, and that you feel connected to your community of teachers and fellow students.

Sign up at or at reception when you go to your next class.

Written by Katie Tetz
Studio Business Manager | Ever Inspiring Writer & Yoga Teacher for Power Living Australia

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