Evolving Resilience with Annie Carpenter

03 Jun Evolving Resilience with Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter Sundial 2

Being a Lifelong Learner.

One of the beautiful things about yoga is that as you dive deeper into your practice, you begin to have a sense that this journey is a never-ending one. Whether you’ve recently found yourself in your very first downward-facing dog, or you’re a teacher who completed their yoga teacher training years ago, there is always something more to learn, to feel, and to experience on our mats. It is for this very reason that even the most advanced yoga teachers will often consider themselves a student first and foremost.

Behind every successful yoga teacher, you would be able to trace a great number of coaches and mentors, all on the path as both teacher and student together. Gina Brescianini, our National Programs Delivery Manager and Head of Education, has been the mentor to so many of the facilitators on our studio schedules. She has guided students through their 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training journey, and is now leading our 75 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training alongside company founder, Duncan Peak and Power Living’s senior facilitation team! We are so excited to have one of her mentors, international yoga teacher Annie Carpenter, lead a 3-day virtual weekend retreat May 13-15, 2022.

Gina Brescianini’s Connection with Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter is known as “The Teacher’s Teacher.” Gina first met her in 2019 at a 3-day training in Sydney for Power Living. Aside from a shared history in dance and Annie’s already incredible reputation as a yoga teacher, Gina says meeting Annie Carpenter was an incredibly joyful experience, one marked by an immediate understanding and connection.

What does Gina love about practicing with Annie?

“The intricate clarity and the essence of joy that comes through, and the way she weaves inquiry into her classes; it leads to an ever-evolving understanding of this practice. There is always something more to learn.” When asked how working with Annie has impacted her teaching, Gina states simply: “She is my guiding light.” Now a dear friend and mentor, Annie’s SmartFlow principles have given Gina more clarity and understanding in how to teach movement principles, but more importantly, how to clearly explain these principles to students in a way that helps them transform their yoga practice. After all, what happens on the student’s mat is the true gauge of whether or not a cue or teaching point is landing. These shifts in technique can guide us towards a yoga practice with longevity top of mind. Practices that are safe, grounding, joyful, and with an ever-evolving understanding of yoga, and of ourselves.

The Magic of Yoga

The magic of yoga that we oftentimes walk out feeling, exists in the smallest of moments – the subtle shifts in our body awareness, the intricacies that Gina speaks of having learned from Annie, and from the inquiry questions that hit straight to the heart. These subtle teachings are passed down from teacher to teacher, and it’s both on and off our mats that they come to life. When asked, what has been the most impactful lesson she has learned from Annie, Gina again speaks of joy.
“I found the joy of falling in love with the practice of yoga, every day. And the joy in falling in love with teaching it, every class. That’s what her gift has been to me.” Whether to deepen your practice, or enhance your teaching, we hope you’ll come to learn from Annie, a teacher who has greatly influenced one of our guiding lights, Gina.


Written by Katie Tetz
Studio Business Manager | Ever Inspiring Writer & Yoga Teacher for Power Living Australia

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