04 Jan How to go from hating your career to living your best life

How to go from hating your career to living your best life

How to go from hating your career to living your best life


It does seem like life could be so much more stress-free if we all had one of those fairytale jobs or career. You know the ones that are spread across your social media feeds like, “Work in a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.”

You might think it’s for other people. But hello 21st century! Reality is you will most likely be changing, pivoting and taking your career to whole new levels and heights to not only grow your skills but also your mind, body and soul.

Are you dreading going back to your usual work? You know the one, the career you have a HECS debt to, it’s safe and comfortable but you are already feeling a sense of impending doom just at the thought of sitting at that desk once again. Just think what if you didn’t have to?

Maybe it’s time to embrace a career pivot. Only good things can come from change. So if you’re looking for a change, here are some things to keep in mind.


1. Reframe Your Experience

Whether you’re applying for a new dream job, a better role within the company where you already work, or simply looking to take the next natural step in your career change, it’s important to have your mind on board to the change.

Your mind can propel you forward as well as stop you dead in your tracks. Don’t let it be the latter. Take time now to get clear on your values so that your choices are governed by values and fulfilment rather than fear of the new.

Set an hour aside to create three values that can guide you through your next three months of change and lead from the heart, not just the head.


2. Try Not To Be Afraid To Take A Risk

It’s easier said than done, of course. It’s also subjective. What feels like a risk for you may be a breeze for someone else. But it’s hard to break through stagnation by doing the same things, over and over again, so you need to find a middle ground.

We highly recommend putting yourself into a course or a mentorship to allow yourself to be supported in the new pivot you are taking. At Power Living a world of possibility awaits at the 200hr yoga teacher training retreats we hold.

Our extensive range of courses offered taught by a tribe of masterful Educators is what sets us apart from the rest. Our Teacher Training isn’t just for aspiring teachers but for anyone who wants to deepen their personal practice and gain a better understanding of yoga philosophy and its origins.


3. Don’t Leave Your Career With Nothing

Our career lives are long and will always include things beyond our control. There are absolutely going to be things we love, hate, and mistakes we make during our career. Look at everything as an opportunity to learn in your journey and, most importantly, always aim to make it through the transitions on good terms.


Is being a yoga teacher where you want to take your career? Check out our Teacher Training programs to get started on your new found passion.


Written by Courtney Meyer

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