Take Your Yoga Teaching Skills To The Next Level

16 Mar Take Your Yoga Teaching Skills To The Next Level

advanced yoga teaching

Are you a yoga teacher ready to advance your teaching skills to the next level? Curious about how to teach a class that is not only safe for your students but also knocks them off their yoga mats – in a good way. Then let’s explore what an Advanced Asana & Anatomy training can offer you. A good teacher training will teach you the skills you need to know to deliver a powerful, thought-provoking and anatomically safe yoga class.


Instead of overloading you with facts on what this training can offer your teaching. We’d rather let Kristin Spence, one of Power Living‘s teachers, share her experience of attending our course. And find out more below on the upcoming Advanced Asana & Anatomy Training in Sydney and via Livestream end of this year.


Her teaching journey


Kristin completed her 200hr yoga teacher training with Power Living in 2017. Soon after that, she quit her corporate job and made teaching yoga her full-time job. And she never looked back. Kristin is deeply passionate about living yoga off the mat. She dedicates her life to spiritual practice and teachings. Naturally drawn to Bhakti yoga, her soul mission is to awaken the consciousness of humanity through this ancient lineage. Her classes are a deep dive into the full realm of yoga and all it can offer in the remembering of who we really are. During her classes, she encourages her students to step out of their conditioned mind and practice from their intuitive heart.

After completing her initial teacher training, she was looking for another training to deepen her teaching skills and take them to another level. She found that through the Advanced Asana Training with Duncan Peak. Let’s hear from her how this training has not only given her lifelong yogi friends but also dramatically changed her teaching.


What was your biggest take away from that course?


That course completely changed the way I teach. I started looking at bodies from an anatomical approach, changing my language around movement and actions. And understood fundamentally what joints and muscles were the prime movers in particular poses.


How did your teaching style evolve afterwards?


I became confident in how I designed a sequence; so I started to teach intelligently. I saw bodies differently and began to use to more anatomical language. During this training, I also learnt how to weave in transformational philosophy concretely. Hence planning classes became way more fun. I learnt that it’s not in the choreography of sequence, but in the intelligence behind it.


Why would you recommend Advanced Asana Training?


It is the perfect next training after you completed your 200hrs teacher training. The training delves deeper into the intrinsic anatomy of yoga. And how to teach to a family of poses, peak posing, and philosophy. More importantly, the training gave me a solid framework to plan classes, especially threading philosophy through in an effective way.



In Summary


Advanced Asana courses should inform your teaching on all levels; not just structuring asana sequences but weaving in philosophy. And basing it all in sound anatomical knowledge. It will teach you how to truly inspire and lift your students through intelligent class sequencing and theming. This November you will have the opportunity to train and learn from Power Living’s founder Duncan Peak in his Advanced Asana & Anatomy Training. This training will run over 4 days either face to face in Sydney or through Livestream. Plus on this training, you will be able to visit the Cadaver Lab. And see what goes on under your skin.



Advanced Asana & Anatomy Training with Duncan Peak


During this training, you will learn how to blend deeper asana awareness and structured sequence building, while weaving in the yogic philosophy. Hence allowing you and your students to create and embody genuine transformation. The training consists of three different parts as per below.


Sequence Lab


You will get clear on how to navigate yourself and students through a flow confidently. And how to build to more profound asana variations with safety and intelligence. This module will have a specific focus around weaving yoga philosophy into the asana practice.


Asana Lab


EveryBODY is different. Learn how to read bodies in an informed and empowered way through understanding the anatomical complexities and differences in us all. Here you will get the chance to visit the Cadaver Lab at Wollongong University. Here you will be able to observe, touch and manipulate tissues, muscles and bones for the deepest possible understanding of biomechanics.


Philosophy Lab


Duncan will share his method for generating a philosophical theme. Most importantly, he will show you how to weave it into your class. A theme that offers students invaluable moments of introspection and inspiration. Why teach a class that only challenges the body? When you can teach a class that will challenge both the mind and intellect!


Get ready to teach your heart out.


You will step away from this training fully inspired. This training will show you how to teach classes that will “blow your students minds”. Classes that take your student’s vinyasa practice to a whole new level. But don’t forget, everything that you learn can be immediately transferred to your next classes. Are you ready to become a transformational and inspiring yoga teacher?


Don’t wait too long, as this training will fill up pretty quickly.





Written by the Power Living Team and as told by Kristin Spence




If you haven’t been to one of Kris’ inspiring classes, you are missing out. She regularly teaches at Power Living’s Manly studio, so check out the timetable and book yourself in.




This training is open to all 200hr yoga teachers and students (by application only). 200hr RYT will be eligible to receive 50hrs toward their 500hr certification with Yoga Alliance and/or their 350hr certificate with Yoga Australia.

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