Yoga Teacher Training Will Be The Best Experience In Your Life

30 Sep Yoga Teacher Training Will Be The Best Experience In Your Life

Yoga Teacher Training Will Be The Best Experience In Your Life

You’re loving your yoga practice and keep coming back to your mat every day. Do you wish you could deepen your practice and gain a better understanding of this ancient practice? Have you ever thought about taking your practice up a notch by embarking on a Yoga Teacher Training? It’s time to take the plunge and start your yoga teaching journey. We share with you what really happens during Yoga Teacher Training from someone who’s just been through it. 


You are drawn towards becoming a yoga teacher, but still on the fence about it? We’ve got you covered with all the facts and insights, as we sat down with Bondi local and Power Living ambassador Cassey Maynard to give us the inside scoop on what really goes on during a Power Living Yoga Teacher Training. Cassey has just completed the One Month Intensive Training at the Power Living Bondi Beach studio.


Cassey says that she was interested to learn more about yoga and as she has been dabbled with yoga for years, but never been committed. So deepening her practice is was what she was after initially. She knew that embarking on her Yoga Teacher Training journey was just what she needed in her life to slow down her mind, open up her awareness, and stretch and strengthen your body. 



Can you give us a brief look into your day-to-day life while completing your teacher training? 


We always started the day with a beautiful 90-minute vinyasa practice. The lectures began most mornings at around 10 am. Our first week, we focused on anatomy then moved into philosophy (week 2 & 3) then assisting and adjustment training (week 3).  The training finished in week four with lots of reviews and the final written and practical assessment.

Each afternoon, we spent practicing teaching on each other which gave us lots of hands-on practical experience, to feel what it’s like to teach a yoga class. Each day concluded at 5 pm. Days were long but jam-packed with so much goodness!



Tell us about the friendships you made during the training?


I made so many amazing friends over the course who I’m still in contact with. It was so lovely to connect with so many like-minded yogis from all walks of life and different ages. 


What did you enjoy most about the training? 


I loved the philosophy lectures. They opened me up to an entirely new way of thinking. I consider myself pretty self-aware, but the yoga teacher training challenged me to look even further within which has been a remarkable journey so far.



What was the most valuable lesson you learned throughout the course? 


That it’s not about how flexible you are. Yoga has taught me to focus on mastery over the mind, not how far I can get in each pose. 


How has the One Month Intensive training impacted your life? 


I’ve now created a regular yoga practice which I’ve been trying to do for years. Every time I land on the mat, I’m so grateful to be there. It is my time to drop into my body and try and stay out of my ‘monkey mind’, which has made a massive difference to my mental state. 



Do you think you will teach yoga, or did you do the program to enrich your own practice?


I did do the program to enrich my own practice, but I’m now ready to share my new knowledge with the world. I’m just not sure how that looks yet but stay tuned.



Why should someone go through teacher training, even if they have no intention of becoming a yoga instructor?  


So many reasons… but my two main reasons would be to learn how to do each pose safely and effectively, in a way that promotes strength and stability. But also to go deeper within you. Gain more awareness around self and discover more happiness and peace inside you. 



What is the biggest misconception around doing a Yoga Teacher Training?


That you have to be ‘good’ at yoga, these were my initial thoughts, but now I realise that being ‘good’ at yoga is just your perception. Turning up and giving it a go every time is what it’s all about. 



Are people who can’t do advanced asana or who have a ton of yoga experience eligible to do teacher training? 


Absolutely anyone can do this course! We had so many different levels of yogis in our training. We had teachers, newbies, devoted yogis and those that love to dabble (me!). It was such a nice way to learn because everyone could share their individual experiences. 


Why should someone complete their teacher training at Power Living versus somewhere else?


Power Living know what they are doing! They have been running the course for over decades so have tried and tested ways to teach. They know how to support students to soak up all the information. The trainers are exceptional!





What about you, are you ready to take the next step and become a yoga teacher? You don’t need to handstand to be an exceptional yoga teacher. You can explore teacher training to deepen your own practice, to fully commit to the practice off and on your mat. Yoga is so much more than the poses you do in class. Yoga teacher training is immersive, heart-opening and more importantly, life-changing. Power Living now offers a hybrid 200hr yoga teacher training – that is a combination of face-to-face and online training. The course will run over 12 weeks with online lectures and yoga classes plus live Q&A sessions. And so much more. Head over to the dedicated 200-hour yoga teacher training site and find out more. Or get in touch with the Power Living Educational Team for any burning questions you want to have answered.





Are you ready to change your life? There is no better time than now!



We hope to see you there, yogis!


Written by Power Living team

Images by Cassey Maynard

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