02 Mar The Most Powerful Yoga Teacher Training In Australia

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and is continuously evolving. The fitness buzzword these days is Functional Movement. And it has also made its way into the yoga studios. And so it should. Hence, Power Living, the leading yoga teacher trainers in Australia, evolved and updated their yoga teacher training. Making it more mobility-focused so you can emerge as a world-class modern yoga teacher.
Read below to find out what makes up a Power Living yoga teacher training and why it is so transformational. We cannot wait to introduce you to the next generation of yoga teacher training.
Power Living elevates and accelerates their students to teach authentically, build communities and transform lives, starting with their own. Training with Power Living will give you the knowledge and understanding to be competent on your mat and teaching in the yoga room. So why is this yoga teacher training unique?
Why choose Power Living for your yoga teacher training?
The Power Living yoga teacher training focuses on the necessary practical skills needed to teach a powerful yoga class. You’ll learn applied anatomy, sequencing and yoga philosophy. This training is not just a knowledge dump of traditional yoga information, most importantly, it prepares students to speak powerfully in public. You will be able to deliver powerful classes afterwards and positively change your students’ lives. Powerful meaning that you teach from your most authentic self.
So what’s the story behind Power Living updating their teacher training course if they already graduate students that teach powerful classes?
Functional movement merges into yoga asana.
For a while now, the buzzword in the health and fitness industry has been functional mobility. It’s not only on-trend in your gym next door, but it’s also slowly making its way into our yoga asana practice. Don’t forget that the yoga asana practice traditionally is still mostly a static, linear and passive range practice. It’s more about flexibility than mobility. What that means is, that for example, take lotus pose. Not the most natural pose, but say you practice it, can you place your legs without using your hands? Or are you using your hands to drag your legs into position? Most of us are using our hands. And nothing utterly wrong with that. Using your hands to assist you into the pose shows flexibility, where you get to without that assistance is your mobility. Give it a go and see the difference if you are curious.
Improving your flexibility, for example, on your yoga mat, is not necessarily creating strength of movement or joint stability; it’s more passive movement. When you train mobility, you use the muscles involved in that movement to make it happen—hence strengthening the muscles that support the joint. Hence more joint health and longevity. Power Living has taken all these integrated functional movement pattern studies into account to update and evolve their yoga teacher training methods.
Updated yoga teacher training.
The training is now more mobility focussed. It’s more about active range stretching and multi-directional movements while still honouring the traditional art of the asana practice. The updated yoga teaching methods emphasize integrated Functional Range Conditioning into the yoga asana context to support the longevity of your personal your students’ practice. You will be taught how to deliver yoga classes focused more on strength at range, less passive stretching and increased joint health hence fewer yoga injuries. Making it the most functional modern yoga teacher training course in the world. Graduating from this course will give you the tools to deliver a powerful, transformational and safe class. You will want to practice yoga asana until you are old and grey.
Power Living Training is transformational.
Power Living wants its students and trainees to understand that yoga is not only your physical practice, but it is a holistic practice. The yoga teacher training course is transformational because it’s about character transformation. To stand in front of a room full of students feeling empowered and ready to teach; you foremost need to understand your own character. You are showing up in your true self, no matter what other people might think of you.
Your personal transformation journey during your training happens during the retreat in Bali. There you will be given the opportunity to not only dive deeper into your practice but most importantly confront any beliefs that hold you back. It’s truly the most life transformational process you will experience. Not only on a physical but also mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Shining a bright light in your darkest corners is one of the hardest and most challenging parts of the training. But it also is the most powerful one. Power Living understands the intensity it takes to change our character truly. Therefore this challenging part of the training is approached by the teaching crew with tenderness and nurture.
It doesn’t come as a surprise that the Power Living yoga teacher training is one of the most respected and successful trainings in Australia. The course will give you all the tools and practical skills to teach a powerful and transformational yoga class. It is a practical, functional and transformational training, while still honouring the ancient teachings of the original four styles of yoga. It will challenge you, elevate and empower you to be the best version you can be. The training will change your life, whether you want to start your yoga teaching career or deepen your practice and personally grow.
Start your yoga teaching journey.
Power Living offers various Yoga Teacher Training programs both in-studio and online so that you can pick the right program for you. You can choose the option that fits best into your life right now.
Still not sure if you are ready to dive into yoga teacher training?
Join us for one of the upcoming Yoga Teacher Training info session. There you will meet some of the local Power Living teaching crew so that you can ask all your pondering questions in person. Don’t be shy; we encourage you to ask the hard questions and get down to the nitty-gritty part. To attend, register your interest with our programs team or chat with the crew at the front desk.
We cannot wait to introduce you to the next generation of modern yoga teachers.
Are you ready to change your life?
Written by Power Living Team