07 Jan 5 ways to bring your yoga routine to the next level in 2019

Written by Courtney Meyer ・5 mins

Maybe your ideal new year- new you moment looks something like soaking up the balmy sun in Bali next to a hot guy (insert Ryan Gosling) or if you’re like us, you’re already making (and breaking) some new year’s resolutions.


Whilst resolutions can be really about forming new healthy habits and worthy goals, the truth is that it’s mostly about breaking the routine and allowing new opportunities, excitement and growth to happen to an otherwise already awesome life.

So that’s why we’ve put together 5 ways to break the routine and bring new energy to your yoga practice and to your life for 2019.


1. Change it up

Have you noticed that your yoga practice is often a mirror of your life? Get prepared to change up your environment. Whether you are doing yoga at home or in the studio you’ve probably noticed that you have the same regular routine that you stick to. It might be that usual position in the room where you roll out your mat, or you are doing the same flow you feel the most at strength in. Changing your routine and environment does wonders for your mindset and  for getting out of your comfort zone for not just your practice but in life.


2. Invigorate your senses

Have you ever noticed how your mood and body relax with scent, sound or touch? Yoga and aromatherapy are holistic and ancient practices, both offering physical, mental and spiritual benefits. With all the choices of lavender, bliss, protection, lemon myrtle… there are so many aromatherapy blends you can choose to use while practising yoga which can enhance the experience. Place the oils in a diffuser or burn the oil during your practice. The soft subtle aroma will have a calming effect in the room.


3. Take a step up

When you are ready to embrace a bigger challenge or transformation in your life, it’s interesting to see how this can show up on the mat. Have the courage to take a step up with your yoga practice. If you feel intuitively drawn to a yoga course, retreat or teacher training, listen to that feeling. Even if you have no intention of taking your yoga further, yoga training in any form is a powerful way to grow your confidence and self-esteem.

Plus, attending a yoga retreat or yoga training gives you an opportunity to meet other like-minded, supportive and encouraging people. Being in this type of environment will help you heal and reach deeper levels of transformation.

Check out our events to take your practice to the next level.

Power Living Teacher training

Do you want to deepen your understanding of yoga? Are you thinking about becoming a yoga teacher? Power Living’s 200hr Yoga Teacher Training isn’t just for aspiring teachers, it’s for anyone with a curious spirit looking to transform their life


Adelaide info session – 11th February

Fitzroy info session -19th February

Bali retreat – March 2019
Power Living retreats are the foundation of our transformational yoga practice and continue to be the biggest game-changer for personal development and growth. The process will challenge you, but if you’re ready to do the work it will change your life!

An immersion program, daily schedule includes meditation, yoga, workshops and inspiring community activities. You’ll make friends, journey together, laugh and love. Leave this week feeling strong, inspired and with a renewed passion for life. Join Duncan Peak and the senior crew for a journey of radical self-discovery, learning and transformation.



4. Become eco-friendly with your choices

Going green (and we don’t just mean with your morning smoothie) just got easier for you to make the switch for the planet and for all the feel-good vibes.  Switch to an eco-mat. You can now find many yoga mats that are made of all-natural rubber and no man-made additives, which makes these mats a more natural choice for both your body and the earth when it comes to saving the environment.


5. Practice gentle breathing exercises

Breath in and out. Breathing is the absolute foundation to vitality, health and wellbeing. Since oxygen is the fuel for the human body, when you practice a variety of breathing exercises, you are actually oxygenating your cells, creating an amazing sense of rejuvenation, relaxation and naturally reducing stress.

So, as you begin to practice different forms of breath work in your yoga practice, think of it as energising yourself in every level of your life; body, mind and spirit.

There are many forms of pranayama (gentle breathing exercises) to incorporate into your regular yoga routine. Some of my favorites are: Alternative Nostril Breathing, Kalabhati breathing, Channel Cleansing Breathing, Shitali Panayama, or Bellows Breath.

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