10 Feb Self-love: How To Fall In Love With Yourself 

People always say that if you want to find love, you have to love yourself first. It turns out that the most important relationship you will ever have in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. No matter what happens, you will always be with yourself. Easier said than done. Self-love – completely loving yourself is probably the most challenging thing you will do. We show you how to start loving yourself more.


Loving another person is way more comfortable. Many people can put their whole purpose and self-worth in another individual, leaving themselves empty. Sometimes without even realising it. Self-love is not only important in relationships with others but the relationship with yourself. It’s not only about loving your body, but it’s also such as the food you eat, the people you surround yourself with, and how you make quality time for yourself.

We believe once you genuinely feel self-love, then you will attract happiness and love in abundance. And who doesn’t want that? Hence put together a little self-love guide below:


Self-love: How to fall in love with yourself


When we’re not looking out for ourselves, we tend to look for our self-worth and happiness in the external world. We slip into indulging in food, habits, things, people – anything that makes us feel better, but then we rely on them to feel good. What makes you happy? Doing things that make you happy and that speak to your inner self will help you to build your happiness, self-esteem and confidence long-term.

How to love yourself first starts with building your self-esteem and building self-confidence. Self-esteem is created by acknowledging and appreciating what you see in yourself. Shine a light and explore who you are. What are your values? What are you passionate about? What do you take pride in? What do you offer in friendship, at work, and in relationships, that is valuable and valued?

How you feel about yourself affects your mood, the way you carry yourself, and your confidence. Self-love, then, is any practice that builds a more constructive and productive way of how you feel about yourself.


Show yourself some love


These small practices get primarily overlooked in our rapid-moving daily lives where it’s easy to find ourselves at the bottom of our own priorities list. Practising self-love can look like anything from taking 10 minutes for yourself, no phone in hand, and merely being present to rolling out your mat for some yoga. Here are some more ideas:


Be nicer to yourself


Every word we utter, we are creating energy and, in turn, a belief. Think of it like this – if you said to yourself “wow, I did my best during that meeting, and I can already see how to handle it even better next time” instead of saying “I’m hopeless and I’m going to get fired”, how much more empowered would you feel? Probably a lot less stressed too. Appreciate yourself as often as you can. Try it out!


Your vibe attracts your tribe


Surrounding yourself with positive influences is essential as we all need support in our lives. There’s nothing like having a belly laugh with your friends, meeting new people, building a network of positive energy around you. Once you begin to feel self-love, you will radiate that love outward. Like a ripple effect, you will increasingly attract like-people so that healthy relationships can be built. Your vibe attracts your tribe.


Delve into your spiritual self


Appreciate your authentic self through finding what it is you believe in when it comes to you, the world around you and the things that happen to us all. Explore what spirituality means to you. Perhaps you are drawn to crystals, find out why.  It can open up huge doors for you, give you more purpose, and maybe even help build your intuition, something many people leave untapped until much later in life.


Love your body


The saying goes, your body is a temple, so why not treat it like one? Remember that your body is your home as long as you walk the earth, so you need to take excellent care of it. Intentionally feed your body nutrient-dense foods bringing energy and nourishment to your soul. Do this not only because you want to look good but because you want to feel good, too. Some yoga always helps to feel into your body. Moving, however, feels good.


Do things you enjoy


Doing things you are good at and genuinely enjoy brings out the best version of you. Your self-esteem will get a boost, and so will your happy hormones. So, if you love to bake, pre-heat that oven. If you love to dance, dancing around the living room also does wonders. Try it for yourself. Once you get started, the possibilities are endless. You love practising yoga. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to teach yoga yourself one day? Maybe it’s time to give in to that inkling and sign up for yoga teacher training. It might be time to transform and elevate your life, like never before.



Remember that loving yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have in your life. Start now and don’t waste any more time. We have the perfect way to begin your journey with a guided loving-kindness meditation over at yogaholics, Power Living’s online yoga studio. All you need is five minutes. Find a comfortable seat and let Duncan guide you through this beautiful Loving Kindness Meditation. Let go of your bad vibes and show yourself some lovin’.






Are you ready to fall in love with yourself, yogi?





Written by Katie Fowler

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