28 May How to Make the Most of your Lunch Break

How to Make the Most of your Lunch Break

How to Make the Most of your Lunch Break


If you’re like me, most of the time a lunch break at my job is spent mindlessly devouring something I’ve thrown together from the night before.

If not, it’s spent wandering the food choices available in my local work area with another 10,000+ hungry nine to fivers. Then I wait another twenty minutes in a line to order before I quickly devour the meal at my desk and realise my choice of food really wasn’t that great after all. Phew, I’m simultaneously exhausted and a little bored just thinking about it.

It’s high time we get more life balance and make lunchtimes worthy of something to write about. Because, just think, that’s one whole hour of me-time! Yes, it’s time to indulge in all things that actually make you happy in your lunch break. It’s time to add a few of our favourite self-care moments to your weekly lunch date.


Get Zen-ed

Quite literally the hottest wellness trend right now: an infrared sauna. This is one trend that has a five-star review before even being reviewed because it’s seriously like all your best self-care in one tiny box.

Do a 30-minute session that boasts stress-relieving, immune-boosting, and “detoxifying” benefits. Plus it’s “hello-perfect-place-to-meditate” as the heat heightens. It’s all about calming the mind and the body, leaving you refreshed for the afternoon.


Sweat It Out In Your Break

We all know what regular exercise does to the body and mind. A whole lot of good. But if, of late, your sweat sessions mostly consist of sprints to catch the train during rush hour, then it’s time to get your sweat session down pat in your lunch break.

Whether that be at your gym, a run around the block, or head over to get that full body sweat and stretch at your local yoga studio. Power Living has studios across Australia. Find your nearest Power Living Studio and feel the joint benefits of mindfulness and a sweat session all in one class.


Friend Zoned

This is the kind of friend zone you want to be in. Make the most of that lunch break to catch up with those people in your life that you’ve just not made the time to see on a regular basis.

Whether that be friends, family, a distant relative, a potential date or a long lost lover. It’s also the perfect excuse to try out that new cafe that’s opened up that you’ve been dying to check out.


Try to stay mindful in your next lunch break by trying some meditation. In our Power Living Retreats, not only do you learn how to deepen your yoga practice but there we also focus on meditation and uncovering your true self. Check out more about our retreats here.


Written by Courtney Meyer

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