28 May 2 Easy Exercises To Instantly Calm Your Stressed Out Mind

We rarely pay attention to our breath, let’s be honest. It is something we do naturally, on auto-pilot. The only time we seem to pay attention to it is when we have trouble breathing, or when we (seem to) almost forget to breathe and we have to take a big gulp of air to get back on track.
We literally catch our breath sometimes. And that is most likely NOT because you were running. Our breath becomes shallow, rapid and irregular when we are stressed out and our bodies are in flight or fight mode. Typically, this occurs to most of us when we are completely stressed out at work with a never-ending workload, a demanding boss or team, or an overflowing inbox you never seem to be able to catch up on.
If this sounds even remotely familiar, continue reading. We will show you below two simple breathing exercises that instantly will make you feel calmer and energized without even needing to leave your desk.
One of the secrets to quieten your stressed out mind is nothing more than consciously focusing on your breathing. Slowing down your breath will not only lower your stress levels but also enhance your concentration, whilst easing anxiety or agitation. Just take five minutes for pranayama, or breathwork, right at your desk. Pranayama, which means controlling your breath and its energies, can be a powerful reset for your body and mind. Five minutes (or even three) is all it takes for your body to adjust.
To help you manage the daily grind, we will share two simple breathing practices to try at your desk when you’re having a rough day. Pick one and try it out straight away.
1, Mindful Breathing
2, Chandra Bhedana Pranayama (Moon Breath)
You should feel so much calmer and more at ease now. And that’s just by consciously focusing on your breath for a few minutes. It’s like an internal reset button for your body to quiet down and relax.
These are also quite handy when you have a big meeting or presentation coming up. Yet these are obviously not limited to stressed-out office workers. If you are a busy mum or dad, have anxiety around that next big flight, or a big social gathering ahead, you can feel super stressed out and anxious. Anytime you need to create some space for yourself to gain clarity and return to a more neutral state of well-being, try these on. You will feel the instant benefits.