Yoga Teacher Training

Written by Laura Porter ・  5 mins


Deciding to commit to yoga teacher training is a big deal. One we never take lightly. It involves time and heaps of energy, not to mention some of those hard-earned savings. But it’s worth every minute devoted, every ounce of energy expended and every dollar invested.


For more than aspiring teachers

200 hour yoga teaching training isn’t just for aspiring yoga instructors – it’s for anyone with a curious spirit looking to transform their life! If you’re a passionate yogi keen to advance your personal practise or a health professional looking to expand your expertise we have a mat reserved for you!

Easy steps to certification

Here at Power Living over the last almost 15 years we’ve graduated thousands of certified yoga instructors in Australia. So, trust us when we say there are five easy steps to yoga certification:

Know your why

Why do you want to dive into a yoga course? Having clarity on your why will make the course all the more purposeful and fulfilling. And take our word for it – your why (call it your goal) can be so much more than ‘because I aspire to be a yoga instructor’. We love to welcome students who simply want to deepen their yoga practice or expand their professional fitness industry expertise.

Be confident in your abilities

Ok, so you have your why ticked off. Great. Next, it’s about having a belief in your own capabilities. That voice in your head needs to say, ‘Yes I can do this!’. This is where we remind aspiring yoga teacher training students that you don’t need to be super flexible or have handstands nailed to teach yoga. A passion for yoga and a hunger to learn and grow is enough. Because yoga is about so much more than the physical practice. Plus, if your body isn’t the most flexi in the room then your future students will likely appreciate your understanding of their flexibility (or lack thereof!) and your insight into modifications.

Attend a yoga teacher training information session

Join a Power Living information session where we explore what you’ll really get out of a yoga course. We kick things off with a strong vinyasa yoga class then we jump right into the nitty gritty. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to learn from and ask questions of our most experienced teachers. Sessions run throughout the year – look out for the next one in your local studio.

Create space

Life is busy. Right? Being busy shouldn’t be a roadblock to turning your ‘how to become a yoga teacher’ research into a reality. Because there’s never a perfect time to commit to yoga training. But creating space is helpful – it means having as few life stresses as possible during the yoga course itself. Ideally this means a stable living situation, no financial dramas and supportive relationships.

Enrol in a yoga teacher training course

By now, you’ve done the hard graft – the easy part is enrolling in a course. Power Living’s 200 hour yoga teacher training is one of the most comprehensive yoga courses in Australia. Our training is led by our senior facilitation team and is designed to challenge and transform you. Your body be challenged by the physical asana practice and your mind will grow from studying everything from yoga philosophy, to anatomy, alignment, sequencing and more. You’ll also get to meet heaps of like-minded and inspiring fellow yogis.

Start teaching

You’ll emerge from 200 hours yoga teacher training with the foundations to becoming a powerful and inspirational yoga teacher. All that’s left to do is start teaching – because nothing beats real-life teaching experiences to shape your style and confidence and help you grow.


What are you waiting for? Power Living’s Yoga Teacher Training is a transformational journey that will challenge you and change your life! Find out more and check out upcoming courses near you.


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