Back to the Mat
If you’ve been in a yoga rut lately, or just need a little inspiration to keep making it to your mat, read on! Most of us initially come to yoga for physical fitness, which is absolutely an outcome, especially at Power...
If you’ve been in a yoga rut lately, or just need a little inspiration to keep making it to your mat, read on! Most of us initially come to yoga for physical fitness, which is absolutely an outcome, especially at Power...
Even in the best of times, our modern lifestyles are very Yang! We lack daily practices that slow us down and help us find stillness. Yin as a yoga style can offer us an antidote, helping to bring everything back...
Power Living’s next round of 200HR Teacher Training is set to start February 2024. We sat down with one of our teachers, Krista Orbe, and our Training & Development Manager Martin Coles, to shine a light on these Online &...
It’s been just over a year since I spontaneously signed up for my 200HR Online Yoga Teacher Training with Power Living in 2020. Ironically, while writing this, Sydney and much of Australia has hit pause with another lockdown forcing us...
Being a Lifelong Learner. One of the beautiful things about yoga is that as you dive deeper into your practice, you begin to have a sense that this journey is a never-ending one. Whether you’ve recently found yourself in your very...
"What's for lunch, honey?" The dreaded question in almost any household come lunchtime. Working from home gave us all the lunch freedom we ever dreamt of. But after a while, the beloved avocado toast or take-away from your local wears...
We already covered in previous posts the importance for every one of us to incorporate functional movements and functional conditioning into their exercise routines. We all know that movement is medicine, so we need to make sure that we stay...
Our well-being is our own responsibility. We have to take care of our mental and physical health. Being responsible for our health means actively working on preserving it and creating healthy routines that work for us. The best way to...
Today we want to introduce you to the world-renowned yoga teacher, activist and author Seane Corn. And your unique opportunity to practice with her. Seane is known for her social activism, her passionate style of teaching, and raw, honest and...
Whether you're a seasoned yogi or have just found the practice over the last weeks, we understand that sometimes it seems like yoga can be a bit alien. Sometimes it seems your yoga teacher speaks a foreign language. And even...