Yoga Teachers In Focus: Emee Dillon

18 May Yoga Teachers In Focus: Emee Dillon

yoga teachers in focus Emee

Welcome back to our series Yoga teachers in focus, giving you front row seats while we pick your Power Living yoga teacher’s minds on all things yoga. We are giving you not only insight into why they are leaders in the field of yoga but also how the practice of yoga supports them through challenging times. Today we talk to one of our favourite teachers, Emee Dillon.


Emee is a professional dancer and has been teaching yoga for about 9 years now. Emee’s classes are intelligently sequenced, educational, sweaty, strong and fun. You’re in for a treat. Be careful, though, Emee’s passion and love for the practice and teaching is contagious. Let’s find out more about her yoga journey, how it influenced her and is woven through her everyday life.



Q&A Emee Dillon



1. How and when did you first get into yoga?


I was introduced to the yoga asana practice at age 15, during my full-time classical ballet years, as a complementary strength and conditioning method.



2. Who most influences your yoga teaching style and why?


I wouldn’t say there’s only one influence – all the teachers that I’ve trained under have all been a massive influence! I feel that at different times of my life, some influences come through more strongly.



3. Who have you studied under?


I’ve studied most prominently under Duncan Peak and have been trained by Sarah Powers in the Yin Yoga method.



4. What was one of the most influential moments under one of these teachers?


Being taught by Sarah Powers in the Yin Yoga method was quite a precious time – she has this way of placing her thought through extremely mindful words and I really learnt about how to teach with softness and femininity.




5. If you had to describe your yoga teaching style in 3 words they would be?


Precise, fluid and spacious.



6. What are you are best known for as a  yoga teacher & why?


Methodical and educational. My mind works in a methodical way that I think is expressed in my teaching and I’m hugely passionate about educating during classes so students walk away just a little bit more knowledgable about their own practice.



7. What aspect of yoga are you most inspired by?


The knowing that there is no end to the learning –  this yoga practice is an unfinished, never-ending path of curiosity and self-understanding. This heartens my efforts always.




8. What is the latest challenge your personal practice is bringing you? And how are you meeting that challenge?


My latest challenge is finding the time to be truly sincere about my yoga practice since my daughter was born. I am meeting that challenge since coming back to teaching. It’s been refreshing to let go of my excuses and step back in!




9. What is your yoga practice offering you right now that you couldn’t live without?


It’s offering symmetrical and consistent movement patterns. Holding my little bubba as she grows heavier is creating very uneven patterns in my body.



10. Why do you love teaching yoga? 


I love teaching yoga because I love yoga – it’s the one discipline that I can say my body still craves after 20 years of practice. I truly believe in its ability to evolve our physical bodies and our mind bodies.



11. If you wouldn’t teach yoga, what would you do instead?


I would go back to singing lessons, learn how to play the piano and guitar and sing in basement bars.




12. You personal self-care ritual?


A cup of tea with a few minutes of quiet to keep me company.




13. You can’t live without this pose?


I have two:

1) Gomukhasana. I have tight lateral lines at the moment and it’s a super delicious release! and

2) Saddle (Yin Pose) This is medicine for my lower back when done gently.



14. Advice you live by?


To be gentle with ourselves and know that if we’ve given something all our heart, then it’s more than enough.




Thank you very much, Emee!



Practice with Emee now.


Now you can practice again with Emee and the rest of the Power Living crew live streaming directly into your home. Where ever you are in the world. Check the timetable and join Emme for her Wednesday morning class. You will be in for a real treat, drifting off into your well-deserved savasana feeling sweaty but stronger, elevated and energised. Above all, you won’t be able to wipe that smile off your face.

Don’t worry if you miss one of the many daily live streams, just head over to Power Living’s online studio, yogaholics. There you can find lots of different classes from guided meditations, yin, vinyasa, pilates to even yoga for your kids. All accessible 24/7. Let’s get you started with a juicy Feel Good Flow lead by Emee. Ready to feel all the good feels? We sure are.



Let’s roll out your mats, yogis!





Written by the Power Living team




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