
We all are aware of the current shocking state of our planet. The growing consensus is that we must take action now. Every one of us, no matter who you are, from big corporate boss to hippie, we all are responsible.   It's...

What's so unique about Yin Yoga? Let us count the ways. Like it or not, we live in a fast-paced world. There's always that next person to meet or bills to pay, or job to finish. It doesn't help that...

These were the days, playing all day outside, riding bikes, running around barefoot, careless and free. How good was it as a kid? So, why do kids need yoga, you wonder? It's not all fun and games, once we dig...

Hey, dudes - this is one for you! Hands up if you are still sticking to the sidelines when it comes to yoga? You're considering giving it a go but still need more convincing other than your yogi partner trying...

Yoga originated thousands of years ago and still, yoga's ideologies and influence continue to gain popularity and spread all over the globe in recent decades. There is a multitude of amazing locations available across the world to immerse yourself in...

Your favourite song pops up on your playlist, and you feel the urge to sing along while a giant smile spreads across your face. That made your day! Practising yoga in complete silence is fantastic. Flowing to your favourite music...

Have You Met The Yoga Teacher's Teacher: Annie Carpenter?   How often do we get to study with teachers who have been actively practicing yoga virtually every single day of their life for more than 40 years, and continue to have a...

In yoga, we are always reminded to stay in the present moment. We are encouraging our minds to not wander off into the future or back into the past. We need to stay in the present moment to feel grounded...

Have you noticed that mantra and kirtan are slowly becoming more popular in yoga studios? There are so many mindfulness pathways and tools that are now mainstream and meditation lies at the heart of them all. Most of us are familiar...

Humans are the only mammals that purposely delay going to sleep. Still, for some people, their lack of quality or quantity sleep isn’t on purpose, but actually the result of high stress levels. Lack of sleep, in turn, can contribute to higher...

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