
India. One of the magical yoga destinations for many yogis all over the world. Travelling to the birthplace of yoga, tapping into both its ancient roots and its living tradition is said to have life-changing powers. It's a place that...

You are a dedicated yoga student. A very passionate yogi and super curious with a hunger to learn more about this ancient practice. Do you want to elevate your life and completely transform it? Then look no further, you are...

Yin yoga is a style of yoga that has been steadily growing in stature and popularity in recent times. If you haven't been to a Yin yoga class yourself, you don't know what you are missing out on. Amongst pure...

Yoga On A Plane: Best Stretches For Long Flights Picture the scene: you're wedged into a cramped economy seat, knees brushing the back of the seat in front. You can feel a dull ache slowly building alongside an early onset of...

Australia, are you ready to train with Patrick Beach?   The chances of a modern yoga student not knowing who ultra-yogi Patrick Beach is are pretty slim. Known for his arm balances and popular Instagram posts, but there is a lot more...

Why You Need To Embrace Yin Yoga Into Your Life Now What is Yin Yoga? A common thought that comes to mind for many when they hear they have to hold a pose for 5 minutes in complete stillness, "There's no...

You started your yoga journey with so much enthusiasm. You are rolling out your mat almost every day. Rain or shine. That was a few months ago, or maybe even years. However long you have fallen off the yoga bandwagon....

  Did you know that everything that happens in the universe starts with an intention? Are you ready to create that dream of yours? Intentions are the fuel to manifesting your goals and visions. Setting an intention will help create more...

Stepping off your mat leaves you feeling elevated, calm and collected. Yoga can turn a gloomy day into a brighter one in no time. It can shift not only your mood but also cumulatively improve your overall mental state. Yoga...

We come to our mats to practice yoga not only when we are happy and content with our life. More often, we seek refuge on our yoga mats when times are tough. Really tough. The practice is always waiting for...

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