18 Feb Fascinating Conversations With Swami Govindananda At Power Living

Fascinating Conversations With Swami Govindananda At Power Living
In case you missed Swami Govindananda the last time he was at Power Living, we sat down with him to get some insight into how meditation can affect our lives. Swami speaks to the essential principles of life and deeper aspects of our Selves with humour, in-depth knowledge and a blend of cultures all while explaining in an easy to understand, entertaining and enjoyable way. Here’s a sneak peek of his profound wisdom.
Swami shares his insights into how meditation can affect our lives. Most importantly, how to incorporate it into our busy lives and how Swami stays present in his daily life.
What does meditation mean for you?
Meditation, for me, is to focus on the purely spiritual nature of the atma, the soul, and its relationship with the Paramatma, the divine One. It is a timeless practice that goes right to the heart of yoga because it brings about union, or realisation of the divine Self. It is a journey that countless yogis, saints and sages have taken and who have expressed its infinite value to all human beings. Meditation is about love, joy and happiness without end.
How can people who are new to meditation incorporate it into their daily busy lives?
There are many reasons to meditate and just as many ways. Before beginning any practice, it is essential to clearly understand what it is you wish to achieve from your meditation. When you have determined this, your next step is to find the correct method to help you obtain your goal. Wishful thinking will not be of any use if your approach is wrong, and similarly, if your motive is incorrect, but your method is right; still you will be unsuccessful. It is, therefore, essential to have a correct understanding of both motive and method. Once this is understood, if you put in the required effort, the desired results will ensue.
What changes can people expect when they begin to find a deeper aspect of themselves through meditation?
This life of ours is very challenging. So many things demand our attention, the stress of which often leads to frustration, anxiety and anger, amongst many other conflicting emotions. It can all get too much. So the first change that occurs is to understand why you get like this. And what to do about it. The saying, “It’s not what happens to you that is important, it is how you react to these events that truly matters” has immense depth to it. The more you understand, the more profound nature of yourself, the more empowered you become to not only cope with life’s events but to benefit from them. Most importantly, a profound sense of purpose and blossoming joy becomes the bedrock of your life.
How can we live in the moment more?
For many, the mind is like a runaway train. In this context, a Sage once expressed that thoughts can change from one to another faster than the speed of light. In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjun questions his Lord and Guru, “How can I control my mind? It is like the wind, vehemently powerful and goes where it wills. “My Guru, Shri Maharaj Ji, once said that the mind is like a monkey drunk on red wine. And simultaneously stung in the tail by a scorpion. The answer given to Arjun was that mind could be controlled by reflecting again and again on the wisdom and meditative practice taught in the Gita. Eventually, through understanding, an individual can learn to live in the present moment. But the question is if you could live in the moment, what would you choose to do with it? Hence, the need for genuine spiritual wisdom is paramount to guide you in understanding so that you do not waste the present moment.
As you travel a lot, how do you stay present and stress-free?
I meditate every day, not only at set times but as I go about my daily activities. I also review every day the philosophies of karma and bhakti yoga as taught by my Guru to keep them fresh and alive in my mind. It is becoming my habit, my nature, to implement this wisdom in all situations. It sustains me, keeps me in the present by reminding me when I go off-track (which is becoming easier to recognise since when I do, tension, frustration, etc., flood the mind).
What may be holding people back from living with their deeper selves?
The main thing is a lack of interest to want to understand their deeper selves. If you develop a strong interest to know what it is that makes you who you are. And you are sincere in this, then you will naturally attract a teacher of that calibre who can help you. If you are successful and a teacher answers your call, then it becomes essential to put into practice what has been taught to you. Many are only “waiting” for something to happen, without putting in any effort themselves. It does not happen like this. Everything in this world requires energy, more so for your spiritual understanding and development.
So much profound wisdom and essential takeaways for you to lead the fully present and fulfilled life you deserve. If you are interested to learn more about Swami’s insights have a look at our events page so you won’t miss out when Swami returns to Power Living next. You don’t want to miss these, yogis!
Written by the Power Living Team