yoga Tag

You started your yoga journey with so much enthusiasm. You are rolling out your mat almost every day. Rain or shine. That was a few months ago, or maybe even years. However long you have fallen off the yoga bandwagon....

  Did you know that everything that happens in the universe starts with an intention? Are you ready to create that dream of yours? Intentions are the fuel to manifesting your goals and visions. Setting an intention will help create more...

It's Never Too Late To Start Your Yoga Journey   You think that yoga is only for flexible and young people. Well, think again, because the practice is for anybody at any age. If you are thinking of starting your practice, and...

A big chunk of yoga teacher training is anatomy. You will study the human bones, muscles and systems - A LOT. But why, you may ask? You want to teach yoga and not open a physio practice. So why do...

There's no denying that city life is incredible. But with so much going on, it's essential to take a step back now and then and give those tired batteries a bit of a recharge. After all, we're only human, and...

We come to our mats to practice yoga not only when we are happy and content with our life. More often, we seek refuge on our yoga mats when times are tough. Really tough. The practice is always waiting for...

We all are aware of the current shocking state of our planet. The growing consensus is that we must take action now. Every one of us, no matter who you are, from big corporate boss to hippie, we all are responsible.   It's...

Whenever this time of the year rolls around, most people put spring cleaning at the top of their to-do list. And for good reason: there’s nothing quite like clearing out the junk and dust that has accumulated over winter and...

These were the days, playing all day outside, riding bikes, running around barefoot, careless and free. How good was it as a kid? So, why do kids need yoga, you wonder? It's not all fun and games, once we dig...

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